If we take the height into account, we can say that the tallest construction is not the Pyramid of the Sun, which is located in Teotihuacán, in the State of Mexico. We invite you to continue reading and discover which is the highest. As a preview we will tell you that it measures 74 meters, is 1,700 years old and is located in the southeast of the Mexican Republic.
Calakmul, Structure I: According to information from the INAH, the Calakmul area was discovered at the beginning of the 1930s. Systematic investigations were carried out in the 80s, and this also allowed us to know that Calakmul was one of the most important cities of the Classic Maya. Together with Tikal and Palenque they headed the political organization of the highlands. Its name means “Two adjacent mounds.” They refer to the two large structures that stand out in the jungle, in this case, the so-called Structure I has a height of 35 meters. Where it is located? Southwest of Campeche, about 30 kilometers from the border with Guatemala, it is located within the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve.
Cobá or Nohoch Mul: Its name means “chopped water”, it is located in Tulum, Quintana Roo. It developed about five lakes that were a fundamental factor for its development and subsistence. The city was connected by extensive stone roads, known in the Mayan language as the white road. The pyramid of Cobá, whose real name is Nohoch Mul, has a height of 42 meters. How to get? You can get there by leaving Cancún and take federal highway number 307 to Tulum, then go along highway 109 towards Nuevo Xcan, until you reach Cobá. At the moment the archaeological zone of Cobá remains closed for remodeling works.
Pyramid of the Moon: The Mexican Archeology magazine points out that the Pyramid of the Moon marks the northern limit of the Street of the Dead, and stands out as “one of the most harmonious spaces in the city, the so-called Plaza de la Luna.” It measures 45 meters high and is below the Pyramid of El Sol. According to INAH experts, this pyramid could be the starting point of the urban design of this great Mesoamerican city. How to get? From CDMX through the Mexico-Pachuca highway, exiting on Av. Insurgentes north, until connecting with the Ecatepec-Pirámides highway.
Calakmul, Structure II: Its name means “Two adjacent mounds”, which refer to the two large structures that stand out in the jungle; Its so-called nuclear area was made up of five groups that were connected by plazas, this Mayan area and the pyramid are located in Campeche. It was established as one of the largest and most important cities in the region. This city had a harmonious relationship with the environment and was the residence of the Khan dynasty, which was represented with a snake head. The height of the pyramid of the so-called Structure II reached, according to information from the INAH, 60 meters; today it measures 55 meters. Where it is located? Southwest of Campeche, about 30 kilometers from the border with Guatemala, it is located within the Calakmul Biosphere Reserve.
Teotihuacán Pyramid of the Sun: Some consider it the tallest pyramid in Mexico, however, this is not the case. According to information from the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), the Pyramid of the Sun is located in Teotihuacán, which in Nahuatl means “place where “The gods or city of the gods were made”, it was one of the large urban centers where up to 100 thousand inhabitants were housed. The Pyramid of the Sun has a height of 65 meters. According to the Mexican Archeology magazine, the Mexica called it Tonatiuh itzacual or “enclosure of the Sun”, hence it is thought that it was dedicated to the king of the sun, but some authors point out that it actually sought to honor the god of rain. How to get? From CDMX through the Mexico-Pachuca highway, exiting on Av. Insurgentes north, until connecting with the Ecatepec-Pirámides highway.
Cholula Pyramid: In this pyramid where religious syncretism is shown, at the top of the construction is the church of Nuestra Señora de los Remedios, a 16th century construction, and below is the pyramidal structure. Archaeologists think that construction began around 300 BC, but who built it in Cholula, in Puebla, remains a mystery. Its height is 66 meters. According to information from the INAH, this pyramid was dedicated to Tláloc, it is the largest in Mesoamerica (450 meters per side) and its construction took advantage of the Great Pyramid of Cholula. It is the largest in Mesoamerica (450 meters per side), its construction took advantage of a natural elevation to superimpose constructions in different stages over time and in whose highest part the Spanish built a church in honor of Our Lady of the Remedies. How to get? From Puebla you have to take the highway to Cholula and arrive at Quetzalcóatl Avenue, take 5 de Mayo Avenue and then Morelos Avenue.
Toniná: This pyramid located in Chiapas is the tallest in our country. It measures 74 meters; The name Toniná comes from Tzeltaly meaning “the stone house or the place where stone sculptures are raised in honor of time.” It is 1,700 years old. The pyramid has a staircase of 260 steps, consists of seven platforms and 13 temples. According to the INAH, Toniná is located on the border between the highlands and the lowlands. SD is strategically located at the western end of the Mayan area in one of the high parts of Ocosingo. It was built to worship celestial deities such as the Sun, Moon and Venus. Where it is located? It is located 10 kilometers from Ocosingo, Chiapas, 115 kilometers from Palenque and 85 kilometers from San Cristóbal de las Casas.